Building Human-Centric and Impactful Employment Services

Unemployment funds and unions play an important role in the development of the national employment services service ecosystem and data network. Welcome aboard!

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We assist unemployment funds and unions in building the service ecosystem and data network for employment services.

Building the Service Ecosystem – Bringing fragmented actors together.

Together with unemployment funds and unions, we identify actors in different regions and industries and invite them to join the service ecosystem.

By bringing fragmented actors into the employment services service ecosystem, we help members of unemployment funds and unions find jobs, employers, employment-promoting services, training providers, as well as associations and funds in their own region and industry.

Building the Data Network – Enabling data movement and consent management.

Together with unemployment funds and unions, we identify the systems and services available to employers, employment-promoting services, and training providers in different regions and industries. Vastuu Group implements integrations with the identified systems and services.

Through integrations, we enable members of unemployment funds and unions to easily, quickly, and securely grant their own information and consent to desired employers, employment-promoting services, and training providers.

With the information and consent of members of unemployment funds and unions, employers, employment-promoting services, and training providers can directly contact job seekers and offer them jobs, training, and services.


Impactful employment services are built together with employers, employment-promoting services, training providers, as well as unemployment funds and unions.

Through the service ecosystem and data network, local actors can be more strongly engaged in supporting job seekers in finding employment and developing their skills.

Investing in the construction of the service ecosystem and data network can promote important goals for employment services and training providers:

  • Improving customer experience

  • Faster employment for customers

  • Developing the skills of customers

  • Regional vitality and competitiveness

  • Regional attractiveness and retention


The service ecosystem is built through collaboration, learning, and building trust together.

The Reliable Employee Service provides a platform for the development of the employment services service ecosystem. The service helps members of unemployment funds and unions find jobs, employers, employment-promoting services, training providers, as well as associations and funds in their own employment area and industry.

Building the service ecosystem involves the following practical steps:

  • Information sessions for key stakeholders and local actors in employment services.
  • Contacting and meetings with local stakeholders and actors.
  • Agreements with stakeholders.
  • Adding stakeholders to the Reliable Employee Service.
  • Invitations, planning, facilitation, and summaries of workshops.
  • Training and training materials.
  • Communication and marketing materials.
  • Job search workshops for local job seekers and students.
  • Monthly reporting on the development of the data network for employment services.

Building the Data Network - Data in Motion

The Reliable Employee Service provides a platform for the development of the employment services data network. The data network enables members of unemployment funds and unions to have a tool for granting their own information and managing consents. Members can easily and safely grant their own information and consents to employers, employment-promoting services, and training providers.

With the information and consents obtained from members, employers, employment-promoting services, and training providers can directly contact job seekers and offer them jobs, training, and services.

Building the data network involves the following practical steps:

  • Contacting and meeting with developers of systems and applications.
  • Documentation, maintenance, development, and communication of interfaces.
  • Contracts with actors in the data network.
  • Integration support for developers of systems and applications.
  • Planning and implementation of consent contents with service providers.
  • Planning of customer processes with service providers.
  • Ensuring privacy and security.
  • Monthly reporting on the development of the data network for employment services.

Join the Employment Services Service Ecosystem

Unemployment funds and unions can create a profile on the Reliable Employee Service. Through the profile, we assist job seekers and students in finding the services and benefits offered by unemployment funds and unions.

  • Join the Employment Services Data Network? 

    Together with unemployment funds and unions, we can also enable students and job seekers to directly join an unemployment fund or union by integrating with the membership registry used by the fund or union.

  • Inviting Work Partners to Join the Service Ecosystem 

    Together with unemployment funds and unions, we can invite employers, employment-promoting services, and training providers to join the employment services service ecosystem. This makes it easier for members to find jobs, employers, employment-promoting services, as well as the services provided by unions and unemployment funds. Employers can create a profile here.

  • Inviting Work Partners to Join the Data Network 

    Together with unemployment funds and unions, we can invite employers, employment-promoting services, and training providers to join the employment services data network. This enables members to grant their own information directly to employment-promoting services and the HR and recruitment systems of employers. 


Open and Free Job Search Workshops 

Members of unemployment funds and unions, as well as study and career counselors, can participate in the open and free job search workshops organized by the Reliable Employee Service. These workshops provide guidance on using the service and navigating the job search process. Job search workshops are held twice a month. Explore the job search workshops here.

Afternoon Coffee Breaks

Representatives from unemployment funds and unions are welcome to the Reliable Employee Service's afternoon coffee breaks. We organize these coffee breaks once a month for our partners, where we provide updates on the progress of building the service ecosystem and data network. During the afternoon coffee breaks, there is an opportunity to network with other industry experts. Explore the schedule for afternoon coffee breaks here. 

Reliable Employee service

The service helps to identify and articulate one's own skills, create a job profile, and find jobs within one's employment area and industry, as well as employers, services promoting employment, training providers, and services provided by unions and funds.

Profiilitiedon hyödyntäminen työpaikkojen suositteluun

"Työnhakijan oman profiilitiedon hyödyntäminen älykkääseen työpaikkojen suositteluun on suunta mihin rekrytointi on menossa, ja halusimme lähteä käyttämään Luotettava Työntekijä -palvelua Oikotien työpaikoilla ensimmäisten joukossa."

Joonas Pihlajamaa

Oikotie-työpaikkojen johtaja

Schibsted Finland

Työn hakemisen yksinkertaistaminen

"Työn hakemisen yksinkertaistaminen on yksi Baronalle tärkeistä tavoitteista. Luotettava Työntekijä -palvelussa tekoäly tarjoaa työnhakijalle tämän omaa osaamista ja kokemusta vastaavia työpaikkoja, mikä säästää hakemisen vaivaa ja aikaa."

Sami Joulamo

Rakennustoimialan rekrytointipäällikkö


Yhdellä hakemuksella useampaan tehtävään

”Luotettava Työntekijä -palvelun avulla tiedot siirtyvät automaattisesti Folkan käyttämään Likeit HR-järjestelmään. Prosessi on tehty työnhakijoille helpoksi ja nopeaksi. Yhdellä hakemuksella voi hakea useampaan tehtävään."

Monia Pöllänen



Helpottaa ja tehostaa työnhakua

”Adecco ja Sihti ovat jo yli 20 vuoden ajan yhdistäneet työntekijöitä eri toimialojen uramahdollisuuksiin ympäri Suomen. Haluamme tehdä työnhausta helppoa ja olla läsnä siellä missä työnhakijamme ovat – niin digitaalisilla alustoilla kuin fyysisissä rekrytointitapahtumissa. Uskomme, että Luotettava Työntekijä -palvelu helpottaa ja tehostaa työnhakua tuomalla työelämäpalvelut, työntekijät ja työnantajat yhteen yhdelle alustalle.”

Sanna Aarnio

Country MarCom Lead
